Introducing: Un-Styled!
Sunday, September 24, 2017
The Stylish Ego has been an emotional journey. When I launched in 2013, I had no idea what I was doing but a desire was there. My passion for writing inspired me to create an atmosphere for people to be encouraged. Unfortunately, I haven't been the best at blogging. In fact, I once labeled myself, "The Worst Blogger Ever". Insomuch, my frustrations pushed me to believe that my blog would remain an idea and nothing more.
However, it wasn't until I noticed that on social media, people don't get to see what goes on prior to that "perfect shot". My followers don't see the tears or experience who The Stylish Ego is behind the scenes- only who I "post" to be. And that's where my authenticity needed revamping.
Launching November 1, The Stylish Ego will introduce Un-Styled. With Un-Styled, The Stylish Ego will get uncut and unfiltered. Instead of styling from head-to-toe, I will undress the Psyche, tell you what I'm really thinking. You will follow me by the scenes on certain journeys. Witness my ups and downs. Not only that but even hear from your favorite bloggers and new faces.
UnStyled is Transparency at it's fullest and will offer tips that we've learned along way!! With UnStyled you can literally take off your wig and escape to know that your reality is our reality!!!
Stay Tuned..
a platform for me and my followers to
a platform for me and my followers to