Missing Fashion Week
Monday, September 26, 2016
So let's talk about Fashion Week! What about Fashion Week you ask? Well, I wouldn't know since I didn't attend New York or DC Fashion Week. Bummer right?
As I ate cupcakes while watching a recap of a few fashion shows anddddd stalking the #nyfw and #dcfw hashtags, while drooling over everyone's street style, I admit, I became envious. Sigh. But it's cool! Because missing New York Fashion Week, despite not being physically present, inspired me. And Here's how:
My Personal Style
Your outfit can make the biggest statement. At Fashion Week, fashionistas and fashion bros showed off some of the most amazing street styles. My style changes depending on how I'm feeling. But I'm not exciting or daring enough I feel. My goal is to become more experimental with fashion and trends.
My Personal Brand
Though I'm probably one of the worst bloggers ever, I've learned quite a bit throughout this year. I've had opportunities to network and have been given some amazing advice. My goal is to practice what I've learned to see to turn my blog into a brand.
My Personal Goal
Lastly, there are soooooooooo many bloggers, brand ambassadors and fashion extraordinaire's that I follow who truly inspire me. I've realized that these men and women have goals and with creative strategies, manage to achieve them. I plan to push toward my goal to become someone who is some what relevant in the Fashion realm, so that by this time next year, I will look back at my brand, smile and thank my personal style.
To conclude, I hope you take this away from today's post:
Though you may not have done something that you may have wanted to experience, it doesn't mean that not experiencing it is not also an opportunity.