
Fashion Quote

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Halloween is next door and the idea of dressing up in costumes have inspired me. Speaking of Halloween, what in the world am I going to do this year.  Anyway, For me everyday is like Halloween.  Except I don't receive any treats. *Sigh

But think about it,  we dress up daily and create a certain look before we step out for the world to see. Some of us try really hard to make a great impression, while some of us on the hand (*coughs) don't try hard enough.  So in honor of this inspiration, I decided to create a quote to remind you that you can really be who you wanna be.  Not in a scary, creepy, predator type of way though.

Costumes are like our outfits.  Walking door to door is like our daily interaction.  And knocking on the door is like that first impression once they open it.  Are they gonna scream? Smile? Or look at you like you're crazy?  Ha. Ha.  Either way, Dress Up! Dress Down!  Whatever appeals to you do it.  I dare you!!! And I hope you're inspired to stand out.  Find inspirations in the world around you. Not only on Halloween but everyday.  God made us peculiar so we're not meant to blend in!!!

So let's see how do I want people to see me as today.  *Grabs Jogger Pants and Tee... Rocky it is.

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